Online Donations
The greatest act of love and generosity was God giving his son Jesus for us. Giving our time, talents, and money is simply our natural response to an understanding of the generosity of a good God. Types of giving include: Tithes, Missions Support, Love Offerings (eg. Pastors/Staff), and Special Projects (eg. Building Finances).
Give Now Online Giving
Simple and secure.
Give from your computer or mobile device. Give a single gift, or schedule recurring and automated giving using your checking account, debit or credit card.
Text Giving
Text giving is quick and easy to set up, uses industry-leading security to protect your personal information, and is never charged to your phone bill.
Simply text a keyword followed by the amount you want to give to 803.302.3032. The keyword lets us know where to apply your donation.
Giving By Mail
To Give by Mail
Send contributions to:
Christian Life Church
2700 Bush River Road
Columbia, SC 29210