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Union Missions

Jun 02 - Jun 13, 2025 | All Day

Union Students -- get excited, there is something for everyone! See details below and register here.

These are going to be an amazing trips that will grow and challenge you all while having a ton of fun and make memories.

COSTA RICA (only 15 spots)

Who: Current 9th graders to current seniors
When: June 6-13th
Where: Costa Rica
How much: $1,800 covers everything for a 7-day trip
Lead: Pastor Mike Farrell
Nonrefundable deposit $200 ASAP to hold your spot

Who: Current 7th graders and up
When: June 2-8th
Where: Daytona Beach Dream Center
How Much: $800 covers everything
Lead: Dawn Pokorney
Nonrefundable deposit $100 by Jan. 31st

HOMETOWN TEAM (Columbia Outreach and CLC VBS)
Who: Current 6th Graders and up
When: June 2-6th
Where: Columbia
How Much: $180 (this covers lunch and dinner for 5 days, t-shirt, transportation to outreach and fun day on Friday)
Nonrefundable deposit $25 by Jan. 31st
